With technology advancing beyond our wildest expectations we have incorporated three dimensional digital scanning into our practice. This technology allows us to take molds of your mouth/teeth using a camera instead of a traditional putty silicon impression. The advantages are:
1. More accurate and predictable impressions
2. Faster impressions
3. Better fitting crowns and restorations
4. Helps severe gaggers by avoiding traditional dental impressions
5. Faster turnaround time from the dental laboratory
7. Less remakes of crowns
8. Saved digital scan of a tooth to be used in case of an emergency
9. Can be used to scan for Clear Aligner Orthodontic treatment
10. Can be used to educate patients with live images
Digital X-rays
Advances in dental imaging have supported our decision to incorporate computerized digital imaging into our practice in place of the conventional x-ray film of the past. The high resolution of our XDR Digital Imaging System provides exceptional clarity enabling our office to maximize our accuracy during the diagnosis, treatment and recall phases of your care.
Due to XDR’s IT design, software integration, training, and support we can consistently generate clear and precise images of your teeth with ease. In our practice we are proud to have integrated such an unmatched digital imaging system as have leading dental educational institutions such as Loma Linda University Dental School and UCLA’s School of Dentistry. If you have any questions about our Digital X-ray system give us a call at 916-485-3431.